Thursday, December 7, 2017

We Need A Special Presidential Commission on Election Crimes

Remembering how President Johnson appointed The Warren Commission to investigate the Kennedy Assassination , I  had an idea which I  would like to share. 
I propose that President Trump appoint a Presidential Commission similar to the Warren Commission to investigate crimes which may have been committed during the 2016 election. I would like this commission to have a broad manate to investigate such things as the integrity of the voter rolls to make sure only legal citizens vote and to prevent others from voting in a dead person's name.
I would also like a real investigation of the fbi , the attorney general's office , and former president Obama for theor collusion in , and the covering up of Hillary Clinton's email server crimes and the activities of the Clinton Foundation.
Only by a real investigation can the trust of the American people be restored in our federal police agencies and the criminal justice system.
I hope to see the establishment of The Trump Commission real soon.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

President Trump Is The Victim Of The Crimes Of The 2016 Election

President Trump is the victim of the crimes of the 2016 election. The hillary campaign and the rinos
" colluded" with each other and with russians to destroy Trump. Can anyone honestly believe putin would prefer Trump to his uranium dealing partner hillary clinton?
The democrats and most republicans are colluding with each other and the deep state to bring our country into the new world order.Trump spoiled their plans. That's why they hate him so much.
Also , mccain's hatred for Trump isn't really because Trump said mccain wasn't a war hero. It's because mccain's master is george soros. Whoever soros hates , his stooge mccain will hate also.
The only collusion that occurred wasn't really collusion. It was treason , conducted by hillary clinton , the dnc , and the rino backstabbers of the American people.
We are fighting against people who want to destroy us and our way of life. I will never give in and I will never surrender.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Don't Be Fooled By Republican Deceit About Obamacare Repeal

Don't be fooled by the deceit of the republican party. They NEVER intended to repeal obama care. They lied to get your votes.
The three senators who voted with democrats to not repeal were all senators that began their 6 year term in 2017... that means they don't face their voters again until 2022.
The other republicans who face the voters sooner will be able to claim that they voted for repeal , it's not their fault that repeal failed. They all want single payer government controlled health care.
They never intended to repeal. The three repubs who voted with the demos last night , voted to repeal in 2015 when they were guaranteed an obama veto....
Guess what, we'll never see that promised tax cut either.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Arizona- Isn't It Time To Repeal And Replace john mccain ?

To The Citizens of Arizona -Replace john mccain ...
It's long past time for the people of Arizona to do something about that treasonous snitch of the hanoi hilton , songbird john mccain. His statements after the senate hearing with comey's testimony show where he is . mccain is george soros' boy , talking about Trump obstructing justice. I only heard evidence of loretta lynch obstructing justice. But mccain is still harping about Trump. mccain is obstructing President Trump from doing what the people elected him to do.
People of Arizona, your " republican" senator is really a far left democrat and the disguise has fallen off.It's time for you to re-call mccain and replace him with a real patriot , not a plastic faker.

Monday, June 5, 2017

A Constitution Lesson For Liberal Mayors and Governors

It's time for me to offer up a Constitution lesson for any mayors or governors who think they can go over the President's head and ratify the paris climate treaty on their own. It's forbidden.
obama's nor president anymore. I'm sure President Trump will enforce Article one, section ten of the Constitution of the United States of America.
" Article 1 - The Legislative Branch
Section 10 - Powers Prohibited of States
No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.
No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Control of the Congress.
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay. "
the Constitution sure does get in the way of the leftists' plans for one world communist government.

Friday, June 2, 2017

kathy griffin - An insincere Apology Is Not Good Enough

I've heard Sean Hannity broadcasting excerpts from the kathy griffin press conference. I haven't seen such self pity since hillary clinton finally got around to conceding the election. griffin is blaming everyone but herself, just like hillary clinton.
Liberals are morally corrupt and they are full of hatred ,while accusing others of hate. You can bet that whatever liberals accuse others of doing is what the liberals are doing themselves .
I was particularly appalled and angered by the hateful diatribe by griffin and her attorney against white men. That's how all liberals feel about white men, even white male liberals . They cry " misogyny " while they are full of bigotry and hatred toward white men.
It's not Donald Trump's fault that kathy griffin's career is destroyed. Just like hillary clinton, she has no one to blame but herself. She has made her bed and she can lie in it. An insincere apology is not enough.

hillary clinton - The Biggest Sore Loser Of All Time

Until hillary , I had never heard of such a horrible candidate and such a sore loser. Every other candidate I know of from town council candidate on up will make an appearance at the election night party and either accept the victory , or if the candidate lost , the candidate congratulates the winner and thanks their supporters.
 hillary had to hide for about 16 hours to have time to sober up and calm down from her rage. hillary has serious mental health issues. She's unstable and out of touch with reality. I thank God daily that hillary is not President of the United States. She's dangerous and delusional. I would think the democrat party would not want to destroy themselves for hillary. I guess they're as stupid as we all think they are.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Why Hillary Lost... The Condensed Version

hillary blew her chance to be president when she accepted the secretary of state job offer from obama. her greed and lust for power compelled her to accept. all the crimes that hillary committed as secretary of state would not have happened if hillary had remained a senator.
her chances last year would have been greatly improved without the public knowledge of her crimes. hillary planted the seeds of her own destruction. she reaped what she sowed. it's hillary's fault and no one else's that she lost the election last year.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Draining The Swamp At The State Dept. and The CIA

To truly " drain the swamp" the following two things must occur.
1. The CIA  must be abolished. It has so many democrat operatives intent on advancing the democrat agenda that it is beyond repair. It must be abolished and replaced with a new intelligence agency , answerable directly to the president. There must be safeguards to prevent abuses under the cover of secrecy.
2. The state department must be abolished , for the same reason. It is embedded with career civil servants who are lifelong democrats and advance the objectives of the democrat party, not the country. A new Department of Foreign Relations with all employees serving at the pleasure of the president will fix this problem.
These democrat civil service appointees ( DEEP STATE ) are dead set against the Trump agenda and presidency. They want to destroy both .
It's time to face the facts and do something about it. As i always say, hiding from the truth does not make it go away.

Monday, February 13, 2017

I'm Not A Subject Of The European Union

After having my blog hosted by google's blogger dot com for about four years , it's time to look for a new home for my stuff. They are trying to make me cater my posts to the sensitivities of the european union. That's just a start. Next , they will be banning any criticism of islam and will declare my mohammed stick man cartoon to be hate speech. I am American,
not european ( thank God ) . I am not subject to the laws of the european union, saudi arabia, iran, north korea, china, etc. I only observe American law.

I guess it is just time to move on. In the next few days , I hope to have a temporary new home for my blog. I'll be searching for a new email provider too. If google is going to censor me , I don't want my email held hostage. Soon , I will cut all things " google " from my life, including you tube.
Here's the notice google posted when I signed into my blog :
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