Thursday, June 8, 2017

Arizona- Isn't It Time To Repeal And Replace john mccain ?

To The Citizens of Arizona -Replace john mccain ...
It's long past time for the people of Arizona to do something about that treasonous snitch of the hanoi hilton , songbird john mccain. His statements after the senate hearing with comey's testimony show where he is . mccain is george soros' boy , talking about Trump obstructing justice. I only heard evidence of loretta lynch obstructing justice. But mccain is still harping about Trump. mccain is obstructing President Trump from doing what the people elected him to do.
People of Arizona, your " republican" senator is really a far left democrat and the disguise has fallen off.It's time for you to re-call mccain and replace him with a real patriot , not a plastic faker.

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