Friday, June 2, 2017

kathy griffin - An insincere Apology Is Not Good Enough

I've heard Sean Hannity broadcasting excerpts from the kathy griffin press conference. I haven't seen such self pity since hillary clinton finally got around to conceding the election. griffin is blaming everyone but herself, just like hillary clinton.
Liberals are morally corrupt and they are full of hatred ,while accusing others of hate. You can bet that whatever liberals accuse others of doing is what the liberals are doing themselves .
I was particularly appalled and angered by the hateful diatribe by griffin and her attorney against white men. That's how all liberals feel about white men, even white male liberals . They cry " misogyny " while they are full of bigotry and hatred toward white men.
It's not Donald Trump's fault that kathy griffin's career is destroyed. Just like hillary clinton, she has no one to blame but herself. She has made her bed and she can lie in it. An insincere apology is not enough.

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