Friday, July 28, 2017

Don't Be Fooled By Republican Deceit About Obamacare Repeal

Don't be fooled by the deceit of the republican party. They NEVER intended to repeal obama care. They lied to get your votes.
The three senators who voted with democrats to not repeal were all senators that began their 6 year term in 2017... that means they don't face their voters again until 2022.
The other republicans who face the voters sooner will be able to claim that they voted for repeal , it's not their fault that repeal failed. They all want single payer government controlled health care.
They never intended to repeal. The three repubs who voted with the demos last night , voted to repeal in 2015 when they were guaranteed an obama veto....
Guess what, we'll never see that promised tax cut either.

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