Thursday, May 25, 2017

Draining The Swamp At The State Dept. and The CIA

To truly " drain the swamp" the following two things must occur.
1. The CIA  must be abolished. It has so many democrat operatives intent on advancing the democrat agenda that it is beyond repair. It must be abolished and replaced with a new intelligence agency , answerable directly to the president. There must be safeguards to prevent abuses under the cover of secrecy.
2. The state department must be abolished , for the same reason. It is embedded with career civil servants who are lifelong democrats and advance the objectives of the democrat party, not the country. A new Department of Foreign Relations with all employees serving at the pleasure of the president will fix this problem.
These democrat civil service appointees ( DEEP STATE ) are dead set against the Trump agenda and presidency. They want to destroy both .
It's time to face the facts and do something about it. As i always say, hiding from the truth does not make it go away.

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