Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Lying Bullshit Of Al Sharpton And Jesse Jackson

it’s time to address the lying bullshit of the black liberal race baiters like jesse jackson and al sharpton. in the first place , they are not reverends that serve God. that’s obvious.they are serving satan. they preach a ” gospel” of envy and hate. their basic message is that the black man is being held down by the white man. that they will never be allowed to succeed.
i live in Louisiana … in the deep south. i am 60 years old. i remember things clearly going back to 1962….
from 1970 to today i have seen great advancement by black people in Louisiana. for those blacks who want to study and get an education, nothing is holding them back. if they can make a “c” average in Louisiana, they qualify for free college tuition…it’s called a “TOPS scholarship’…all they have to do to keep it is keep their grades up ( C average) when they get to college.
in the job market in Louisiana today i see black school teachers, doctors, nurses, bank tellers, store cashiers, policemen, lawyers,judges, broadcast personalities, etc.
i see black people working everywhere i go, every day. blacks aren’t being held down by white people. some black people hold themselves down by refusing to get an education and refusing to groom oneself like a person eager for a job. but,that’s not an exclusive black thing. i’ve seen countless whites like that too.
there always have been and always will be poor people among us. some people are mentally or physically handicapped and that causes their poverty. they can’t help it and we should help them.
for others, it’s self inflicted. they bring it on itself.
getting back to jackson ,sharpton,and other black liberals. they hate a successful black person. it damages their propaganda that black people can’t succeed and it’s the white man’s fault.
those racist hucksters have grown quite wealthy preaching their racism. they are out of business without poor and angry black men. they must keep as many black men poor and angry as possible.

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