Wednesday, February 4, 2015

If A Liberal Calls Me ” Racist”

If a liberal calls me racist, i tell them all about the racists of democrat party history. It was the republicans that freed the slaves in the 1860′s. the democrats were the party of slavery.
More recently, we have the racist politicians in the southern states in the ’50′s and ’60′s….not a republican among them….democrats all…..The enlightened democrat party NEVER kicked them out either.
The democrats still enslave a part of the black citizenry . They do it through the entitlement programs. The free stuff isn’t really free. certainly not to the workers paying the taxes. But it’s also NOT free to the beneficiary of the entitlements. a
All government programs come with a lot of strings attached. They call them ” regulations”…..If you don’t follow all their rules, they cut you off.
That puts the receivers of entitlements into a condition of slavery to the government. And of course they must vote for the party that gave them the free stuff.
Do you think they’re free? The democrats are slavers, they want to enslave us all.

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