Monday, February 2, 2015

Exposing The Plans Of Obama

the fuhrer has made another statement saying u.s. ground forces will not be committed to fight isis.
the democrats and obama always lie and will say the opposite of what their real plans are. remember " if you like your healthcare plan or your dr. you can keep it?"
obama is planning a major troop deployment to fight isis. obama created isis. that's why ambassador stevens and the navy seals were killed. stevens was running obama's gun running operation to arm the " syrian opposition' aka isis....
the continuing beheadings ,immolations , other atrocities , including the executions of american or european female hostages  .... that will be the catalyst . obama will use that to stoke outrage and the desire for vengeance against isis.
then obama will get his troop deployment to fight isis.
once obama has most of our military overseas fighting isis , he'll stire up racial warfare here... blacks and illegals vs. whites.... then he declares martial law and invites u.n. "peacekeeping troops to restore order and disarm the american people. our side will have pistols and rifles facing the u.n. troops with jets,helicopters , armored troop carriers ,and bombs.
then obama springs his trap against our military. he cuts off all food and ammo shipments .... leaving our troops surrounded by millions of muslims with dwindling food and be slaughtered when the ammo runs out.... just like gen. custer and his troops ..... only much more massive.....
also remember the governments recent attempts to intimidate and silence me. if i was wrong about everything, they'd laugh at me and not bother me. they must be freaking out that i know their plans and i'm posting them on the internet( and have been for several years.) that's why they harass me and not you.....

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