Friday, February 6, 2015

Snitch On You, Snitch On Me-Dancing Round The Government Snitch Tree First Posted on February 6, 2012

The government is expanding it’s program of trying to get people to snitch on their neighbors….just like east germany, cuba,china,and the soviet union, those bastions of freedom….
of course, it’s in the name of ” national security’ the same ruse they’ve been using to destroy our freedom since 9/11. they must take away our constitutional rights to ” keep us safe”…safe from what? i want to know who is going to keep me safe from the national government? the federal government of the united states is the biggest threat to my safety and security. they are the ones who hate my freedom,not the muslims….our own government is our greatest danger.
i have a link at the end of this note that explains this in mopre details. you should click the link if one wishes to discover just how far the United States has traveled in its attempt to replicate a level of citizen snitches not seen since the Stasi of East Germany.
some of what they watch for:
people with environmental slogans and/or anti-government slogans, banners or signs that threaten or imply violence.
General Public — Basically everything exhibited by those with an inquisitive nature: questions, note taking, drawing, annotating maps, inappropriate photos or videos, people in places where they do not belong.
Tattoo Shops — Demanding identity “privacy,” paying cash, altering appearance (beard, hair style, hair color, style of dress, etc.), making racist or extreme statements, suspicious comments that suggest or appear to endorse violence in support of a cause, repeated returns with multiple individuals requesting identical tattoos, inquiries about unusual methods of tattooing or placement which could allow the concealment of extremist symbols.
These flyers also state an additional note about how you can be a part of the solution:
  • Require a valid ID of all new customers.
  • Keep records of purchases.
  • Talk to customers, ask questions, and listen to and observe their responses.
  • Make note of suspicious statements, people and/or vehicles.
  • If something seems wrong, notify law enforcement authorities.
It is the utmost duty of individuals to speak out against unsubstantiated fear mongering and the usurpation of power based on upon exaggerated threats. These exaggerated threats are often designed to lead to a paranoid culture that can be easily swayed by manipulated emotions instead of critical thinking. Furthermore, violence, coercion, and threats of consequences for non-cooperation with State dictates are the hallmarks of historical tyranny.
Finally, let’s not forget what the mere accusation of terrorism means in today’s world: indefinite detention without a trial, torture, and the end of our unalienable rights.
Follow the above official State guidelines for reporting “potential terrorism” at your peril.
do you still think we’re still a ” free country”   i don’t.
Richard Dees
Political Dissident and Proud American
i won’t give in and i’ll never surrender.

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