Friday, February 27, 2015

Facebook Is Blocking Me From Posting This

facebook is blocking my attempt to post this.
therefore i'm posting it here and putting the link on facebook.
those libtards at facebook are going to have to try a lot harder to stop me from posting the truth.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

allah is satan , puke be upon him

allah is satan , puke be upon him.
it would seem that Jews would be the first to publicly expose the true fact that allah is satan. are they too afraid of the muslims?
 i say it in public daily with my name attached , since 2009. i'm still alive. in order to fight an enemy ,you must know the truth about that enemy. everyone should know the truth that allah is satan and that islam is nothing but the pedophile death cult of satan , posing as a religion. why the Israeli government doesn't shout this from the rooftops is beyond me. sure the muzrats will raise hell , but in doing so , they'll reveal the truth of my statement, " allah is satan , puke be upon him" i believe only bluntness is effective when fighting evil. you can't compromise with satan or his followers.

No Redemption Possible For Republican Party-They're Democrat Lites

There is no redemption possible for the republican party. The rinos have taken it over and made it into a democrat lite party. They have bought the liberal propaganda that they must be more like liberals if they are going to win elections. I've voted for my last republican. I'll consider the "R" after someone's name to be just as bad as a " D " ...they are heads and tails of the same fecal incrusted coin, made of fool's gold.
I guess till further notice I'm only voting for an independent , or maybe even a libertarian... but I'm through with republicans. I'll
i choose neither.not vote if the only choices are democrat or republican. that's no choice at all. that's like choosing between being shot or stabbed.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Will Obama Come Out As A Muslim Soon ?

i think obama is about to come out of the closet as a muslim. his defense of islam has been getting stronger ,as is his condemnation of Christianity. all the black "Christians' who voted for obama because he's black will soon find the depth of their betrayal.
i'm not sure of the timing , but i don't think it'll be long now. i've been predicting many things are going to happen , so that there will be no 2016 election.
i still think obama plans a lifetime dictatorship for himself.
did stalin submit to elections? did mao? ho chi mihn? castro? no ...
obama plans to be president for life. so far it looks like obama's gonna win. no one in washington will do anything to stop him. they are in on things with the fuhrer. the military isn't gonna stop obama. they value their pathetic " careers" more than their oath to defend the country. the government set a fine example for generals who get "out of line" with the assassination of General George Patton. that was no accident, it was an oss hit. the oss was the WWII predecessor of the cia.
if the people don't revolt, there will be no revolution. there will be an increasing clamping down of the police state, the demonization of white people , culminating in THE FINAL SOLUTION TO THE WHITE PROBLEM.
i won't be alive for the final solution. i'll die fighting.
i've reached the conclusion i'm unlikely to survive beyond 2016. 2015 may be the year i am killed. time will tell on that. but i will not be captured alive for a beheading. i'd rather be shot while fighting.

Friday, February 6, 2015

My Generation written July 18, 2011

I was thinking today about the downward slide of the economy into depression, the unwinnable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan,the acceleration in the rate of the loss of freedom, the wide open borders,etc.
Then the sad truth hit me in the face. My generation is in power and has been for the past 10 years. Most of the congress is around my age (late 50′s), and the president is even younger. I admit that we were ill served by the generations before us. We inherited a lot of these growing problems. But we have been totally inadequate in solving any of these problems.
What we’re doing or not doing now will adversely affect the generations coming after us.
Look at the pictures of the younger generation in your lives. Your children, grandchildren,nieces, and nephews deserve a much better future than the one being held out for them now.
Socialism, dictatorship,slavery. Is this the legacy that we leave behind?
The time is growing short.

The Mexican Invader And The Christian written October 9,2011

i keep running into friends who are Christian who evidently have been brainwashed by their church to think we must support illegal invaders from mexico who claim to be Christians wanting a better life for their family.
does a homeless person have a right to break into your home and move in because he’s a Christian invader wanting a better life for his family?? of course not…the same Christian advocating making citizens of Christian invaders would call the police if they found an invader squatting in their home.
well, the invader has broken into our country. he’s burglarizing the American people of jobs. health care, education,housing, and scarce energy resources
the invader drives drunk and kills citizens. invaders commit crimes against citizens. invaders aren’t vaccinated and bring their diseases here.
the cost of the invader to our society is enormous.your grandchildren and their grandchildren will be continuing to pay the price for this insanity. .
I’m sorry but any Christian who thinks it’s a Christian duty to support the invaders who say they are Christian has been brainwashed by the liberals and has been sipping the kool-aid.
wake up…face the real world.

Snitch On You, Snitch On Me-Dancing Round The Government Snitch Tree First Posted on February 6, 2012

The government is expanding it’s program of trying to get people to snitch on their neighbors….just like east germany, cuba,china,and the soviet union, those bastions of freedom….
of course, it’s in the name of ” national security’ the same ruse they’ve been using to destroy our freedom since 9/11. they must take away our constitutional rights to ” keep us safe”…safe from what? i want to know who is going to keep me safe from the national government? the federal government of the united states is the biggest threat to my safety and security. they are the ones who hate my freedom,not the muslims….our own government is our greatest danger.
i have a link at the end of this note that explains this in mopre details. you should click the link if one wishes to discover just how far the United States has traveled in its attempt to replicate a level of citizen snitches not seen since the Stasi of East Germany.
some of what they watch for:
people with environmental slogans and/or anti-government slogans, banners or signs that threaten or imply violence.
General Public — Basically everything exhibited by those with an inquisitive nature: questions, note taking, drawing, annotating maps, inappropriate photos or videos, people in places where they do not belong.
Tattoo Shops — Demanding identity “privacy,” paying cash, altering appearance (beard, hair style, hair color, style of dress, etc.), making racist or extreme statements, suspicious comments that suggest or appear to endorse violence in support of a cause, repeated returns with multiple individuals requesting identical tattoos, inquiries about unusual methods of tattooing or placement which could allow the concealment of extremist symbols.
These flyers also state an additional note about how you can be a part of the solution:
  • Require a valid ID of all new customers.
  • Keep records of purchases.
  • Talk to customers, ask questions, and listen to and observe their responses.
  • Make note of suspicious statements, people and/or vehicles.
  • If something seems wrong, notify law enforcement authorities.
It is the utmost duty of individuals to speak out against unsubstantiated fear mongering and the usurpation of power based on upon exaggerated threats. These exaggerated threats are often designed to lead to a paranoid culture that can be easily swayed by manipulated emotions instead of critical thinking. Furthermore, violence, coercion, and threats of consequences for non-cooperation with State dictates are the hallmarks of historical tyranny.
Finally, let’s not forget what the mere accusation of terrorism means in today’s world: indefinite detention without a trial, torture, and the end of our unalienable rights.
Follow the above official State guidelines for reporting “potential terrorism” at your peril.
do you still think we’re still a ” free country”   i don’t.
Richard Dees
Political Dissident and Proud American
i won’t give in and i’ll never surrender.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

If A Liberal Calls Me ” Racist”

If a liberal calls me racist, i tell them all about the racists of democrat party history. It was the republicans that freed the slaves in the 1860′s. the democrats were the party of slavery.
More recently, we have the racist politicians in the southern states in the ’50′s and ’60′s….not a republican among them….democrats all…..The enlightened democrat party NEVER kicked them out either.
The democrats still enslave a part of the black citizenry . They do it through the entitlement programs. The free stuff isn’t really free. certainly not to the workers paying the taxes. But it’s also NOT free to the beneficiary of the entitlements. a
All government programs come with a lot of strings attached. They call them ” regulations”…..If you don’t follow all their rules, they cut you off.
That puts the receivers of entitlements into a condition of slavery to the government. And of course they must vote for the party that gave them the free stuff.
Do you think they’re free? The democrats are slavers, they want to enslave us all.

To My Religious Friends

To my religious friends.
If your church is coddling the illegal alien, having special spanish language services for the invaders , then your church is enabling the invasion of our country and the stealing of jobs from americans….putting american families in the streets homeless…for foreigners….
God nowhere says we are to support foreigners over-running and taking over the country. In fact God condemns criminality and breaking of laws.
So if your church is doing these things ,it’s no longer a real Christian church….
If you are a real Christian, please pray about this. Don’t be deceived just because your pastor or your denomination is deceived. If they are doing these things they are serving satan , not God. Hiding from the truth does not make it go away.
If you tithe to a church that welcomes the invaders, you are enabling the pain of your fellow Americans.

The Richard Dees Immigration Plan

The only immigration reform i support is to enforce the existing laws and make all the illegal INVADERS go home. They INVADED our country, an army of job stealers and grabbers of government benefits meant for citizens. The taxpayers of america should not be forced to support the poor of other countries.
I’ve stated the Richard Dees Immigration Plan many times. It’s simple to implement and costs nothing.
Simply criminalize the hiring of invaders and enforce the new law , making hiring of illegals equal to selling heroin. Confiscation of all assets and a mandatory,no parole , ten year prison sentence. Make another law- food stamps, welfare, and medical care are for AMERICAN CITIZENS only. As it is ,the American taxpayer is supporting the invaders who are stealing their jobs. If granted citizenship, they will steal the country. They will always vote with the democrats for the communist police state .
The immigration reform plan is nothing less than assurance that the communist democrats remain in power forever. If the amnesty passes, it’s the death of the republican party and the final nail in the coffin of America as we know it.

The Politicians Need To Read The Koran

Every day I see lying politicians , getting on TV and proclaiming islam to be a ” religion of peace”. even during congressional hearings these lies go unchallenged. isn’t their even one congressman with the courage to stand up to obama and john kerry and ask them to explain their foolish statements in view of the contradictions to their views, found in the koran.
the muslims are commanded to obey every word in the koran.
there is no such thing as  a moderate muslim. islam is islam.
Somebody, PLEASE send a few copies of the koran to the white house and congress. i am disgusted and sick of these lying politicians proclaiming islam to be a religion of peace.
i present just a few examples of the KORAN and their instructions on how all muslims are to treat Christians and Jews. it’s in THEIR HOLY BOOK.
Why is there such hatred of Christians and Jews by Islamic people ?
The answers to these questions are found in the the text of the Koran itself
Listed here are Koranic verses which are the foundation for these beliefs
Qur’an 9:29-Fight against Christians and Jews ”until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.”
Qur’an 4:91- If the unbelievers do not offer you peace, kill them wherever you find them. Against such you are given clear warrant.
. Qur’an 9:7-9-Don’t make treaties with non-Muslims. They are all evildoers and should not be trusted.
Qur’an 9:12-14-Fight the disbelievers! Allah is on your side; he will give you victory.
. Qur’an 9:5 Kill the nonbelievers wherever you find them.
Qur’an 2:191-2-Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.
Qur’an (5:51) – ”O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.”
Qur’an (2:65-66) Christians and Jews must believe what Allah has revealed to Muhammad or Allah will disfigure their faces or turn them into apes, as he did the Sabbath-breakers.
Qur’an (4:48, 4:116)-Those who ascribe a partner to Allah (like Christians do with Jesus and the Holy Spirit) will not be forgiven. They have “invented a tremendous sin.”
Qur’an (4:51)-Jews and Christians believe in idols and false deities, yet they claim to be more rightly guided than Muslims.
Qur’an (5:51) Don’t take Jews or Christians for friends. If you do, then Allah will consider you to be one of them.
Qur’an (5:80) – “You will see many of them befriending those who disbelieve; certainly evil is that which their souls have sent before for them, that Allah became displeased with them and in chastisement shall they abide.” Those Muslims who befriend unbelievers will abide in hell.
Qur’an (3:85) – ”And whoever desires a religion other than Islam, it shall not be accepted from him, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.”
. Qur’an 9:6-Those who submit and convert to Islam will be treated well. (Those who don’t submit will be killed. See previous verse.)
Qur’an 5:53 Jews and Christians are losers.
Qur’an 5:59 Jews and Christians are evil-livers.
Qur’an 5:63 Evil is the handiwork of the rabbis and priests.
Qur’an 5:72 Christians will be burned in the Fire.
Qur’an 5:73Christians are wrong about the Trinity. For that they will have a painful doom.
Qur’an 9:30Christians and Jews are perverse. Allah himself fights against them.
Qur’an 9:34 Give tidings (O Muhammad) of a painful doom to the rich and greedy Christian monks and Jewish rabbis.
Qur’an 19:35-37“Woe unto the disbelievers from the meeting of an awful Day.”
Jesus was not the Son of God. Those who say he was (Christians) are going to hell.
Qur’an 28:62-64 Allah will taunt Christians on the day of their doom, saying: Where are My partners whom ye imagined?
Qur’an 40:73Allah will taunt the Christians in hell, saying: Where are all my parnters that you used to believe in?
Ishaq:364 “Muslims, take not Jews and Christians as friends. Whoever protects them becomes one of them, they become diseased, and will earn a similar fate.”
Qur’an 3:67 ”Abraham was not a Jew nor yet a Christian; but he was a true Muslim, surrendered to Allah (which is Islam), and he joined not gods with Allah.”
this ain’t mean old prejudiced Richard making this up. this IS islam. as you read this, you can only come to this conclusion: isis is islamic to the core.

The Lying Bullshit Of Al Sharpton And Jesse Jackson

it’s time to address the lying bullshit of the black liberal race baiters like jesse jackson and al sharpton. in the first place , they are not reverends that serve God. that’s obvious.they are serving satan. they preach a ” gospel” of envy and hate. their basic message is that the black man is being held down by the white man. that they will never be allowed to succeed.
i live in Louisiana … in the deep south. i am 60 years old. i remember things clearly going back to 1962….
from 1970 to today i have seen great advancement by black people in Louisiana. for those blacks who want to study and get an education, nothing is holding them back. if they can make a “c” average in Louisiana, they qualify for free college tuition…it’s called a “TOPS scholarship’…all they have to do to keep it is keep their grades up ( C average) when they get to college.
in the job market in Louisiana today i see black school teachers, doctors, nurses, bank tellers, store cashiers, policemen, lawyers,judges, broadcast personalities, etc.
i see black people working everywhere i go, every day. blacks aren’t being held down by white people. some black people hold themselves down by refusing to get an education and refusing to groom oneself like a person eager for a job. but,that’s not an exclusive black thing. i’ve seen countless whites like that too.
there always have been and always will be poor people among us. some people are mentally or physically handicapped and that causes their poverty. they can’t help it and we should help them.
for others, it’s self inflicted. they bring it on itself.
getting back to jackson ,sharpton,and other black liberals. they hate a successful black person. it damages their propaganda that black people can’t succeed and it’s the white man’s fault.
those racist hucksters have grown quite wealthy preaching their racism. they are out of business without poor and angry black men. they must keep as many black men poor and angry as possible.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Exposing The Plans Of Obama

the fuhrer has made another statement saying u.s. ground forces will not be committed to fight isis.
the democrats and obama always lie and will say the opposite of what their real plans are. remember " if you like your healthcare plan or your dr. you can keep it?"
obama is planning a major troop deployment to fight isis. obama created isis. that's why ambassador stevens and the navy seals were killed. stevens was running obama's gun running operation to arm the " syrian opposition' aka isis....
the continuing beheadings ,immolations , other atrocities , including the executions of american or european female hostages  .... that will be the catalyst . obama will use that to stoke outrage and the desire for vengeance against isis.
then obama will get his troop deployment to fight isis.
once obama has most of our military overseas fighting isis , he'll stire up racial warfare here... blacks and illegals vs. whites.... then he declares martial law and invites u.n. "peacekeeping troops to restore order and disarm the american people. our side will have pistols and rifles facing the u.n. troops with jets,helicopters , armored troop carriers ,and bombs.
then obama springs his trap against our military. he cuts off all food and ammo shipments .... leaving our troops surrounded by millions of muslims with dwindling food and be slaughtered when the ammo runs out.... just like gen. custer and his troops ..... only much more massive.....
also remember the governments recent attempts to intimidate and silence me. if i was wrong about everything, they'd laugh at me and not bother me. they must be freaking out that i know their plans and i'm posting them on the internet( and have been for several years.) that's why they harass me and not you.....