Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Violations of Our Constitutional Rights

in this age of imperial decrees coming from various levels of government , i would like to address the legality of all this.
the supreme law of our country is the constitution of the united states . any law or regulation that violates the constitution or violates the constitutional rights of the people is null and void.
looking at the news over the past 3 months , i see violation after violation of our constitutional rights by governors  and mayors issuing " executive orders " and nearly everyone treating these orders as laws. laws are enacted by legislatures on the federal and state level . town councils make laws and regulations on the local level. for these laws to be legal , they must not be in violation of the constitution. otherwise these laws and regulations are unconstitutional....
presidents , governors and mayors are not allowed to just make laws on their own. that's tyranny and dictatorship ,  hitlerism or stalinism . it's not how we do things in America.
i've been looking over the bill of rights . that's not a list of rights grsnted by the government. it is recognition by the government of our God given rights and laws to protect them .
looking at the amendments , called the bill of rights , i see no exceptions given . none of our rights are amended by a comma and the phrase " except in case of a virus.
governors and mayors are usurping powers not granted to them by the constitution. our freedom of worship is absolute as our rights to peaceably assemble , for any reason. government has no right to enact laws and regulations prohibiting citizens from gathering in our houses of worship. in many places they are threatening pastors and members of the congregations with arrest and jail for exercising  their constitutional rights . the government is actually letting convicted criminals out of jail early to "protect them from the virus " while threatening to put Christians in jail for going to church. .
the time for passivity is over. it is time for civil disobedience and for citizens to openly refuse to comply.
it's time to end the unconstitutional lock downs and forced closure of businesses not named walmart.
i've made my own decision. i will refuse to comply with any law or regulation that imfringes on my rights in any way. there is no exception for virus attached to any of my rights . everyone makes their own decisions . i've made mine.
also , there will be no vacimation for covid or anything else in my future , forced or voluntary.
my body , my choice. i will not tolerate unknown substances or known poisons  being injected into my body. woe to anyone who tries.  

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