Monday, August 27, 2018

remembering john mccain... traitor , not hero

i'm remembering john mccain. i'm remembering his propaganda broadcasts for the north vietnamese while a pow. i'm remembering the time he revved up his jet engine while starting it and showing off... causing an explosion and fire that killed 191 men. I'm remembering his role in the keating five savings and loan scandal. i'm remembering the candidate in 2008 that ran such a shitty campaign that we got 8 years of obama. i'm remembering all the times " the maverick" crossed the aisle to vote with the democrats and against the American people. i'm remembering his " never Trump rhetoric in 2016 . i'm remembering his role with hillary clinton and the dnc in the steele dossier issue. mccain is who brought the dossier to the fbi. i'm remembering that mccain ran for re-election in 2014 on a platform to repeal and replace obamacare . then , when he had the chance to vote to repeal obamacare , he voted with the democrats and killed repeal. because Trump hurt his feelings.
my memories of john mccain are that he was a lying, backstabbing traitor . he was no damned war hero. i don't mourn his passing. i celebrate it. now, the governor of Arizona has a chance to appoint a conservative to mccain's former seat. i hope he chooses wisely.

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