Thursday, April 21, 2016

An Open Letter To Ted Cruz Supporters

I am fed up with ted cruz supporters posting cruz ads under the comments on my Donald Trump posts opn facebook . I'm not interested in the merits of ted cruz and you aren't going to convert me. Your behavior , along with the comments of cruz insulting Trump supporters , has led me to the point where i will never vote for ted cruz. You people act just like the black lives matter and bernie sanders supporters disrupting Trump rallies. They start trouble, then the media releases edited videos showing the Trump supporters defending their ladies from attack or hitting someone in retaliation to being spit on.
I'm seeing very little difference between cruz and hillary clinton. Both are stooges of the new world order. Their candidates are cruz and hillary. Anything to stop Trump.Anyone I catch posting any statement or ad or link supporting ted cruz on my facebook page is instantly blocked, no matter who you are.

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