Tuesday, October 4, 2016

facebook is blocking my posts again.

just trying to post a link to the Beatles movie " Let It Be" from veoh.com .
facebook is blocking the content so i'll try this way. copy and paste the address in your browser to bypass the facebook block.


Friday, August 19, 2016

I'll Never Vote For The Criminal hillary clinton

hillary clinton's only qualifications are " i'm a woman" and " i'm a democrat" ... i challenge anyone to list any real accomplishments by hillary either as senator or secretary of state. real accomplishments , not democrat propaganda.
our foreign policy is a shambles. her and obama created his foreign policy. the middle east was a lot more peaceful in 2008 than now. that's not george bush's fault. the fault lies with the fuhrer and hillary .
she deleted 33,000 emails that had been subpoenaed . that's felony obstruction of justice to me. nixon erased 18 minutes on one watergate tape .
her and obama were running guns from libya to syria for the " syrian opposition" that turned out to be isis. hillary's phony foundation has taken millions from the saudis and other muslim countries. she would owe them if she wins.
plus i value my first and second amendment constitutional rights and want the children of today to have them .i don't want hillary appointing the next 3 supreme court justices. those are just a few of the reasons i'll never vote for the criminal and liar hillary clinton. i'll be voting for Trump.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

One Ply Trump Supporters

i've run into several " Trump supporters" who get pissed off because he said something they didn't like. if that's the case , your support was like one ply toilet paper when you have diarrhea . worthless. Trump is better off without your support.
i loved Reagan , but Reagan sometimes did things i didn't like. but i looked at the bigger picture, not just a sentence or two that pissed me off.
i'm almost 62 years old. i have never found a political candidate that never said something i don't like or disagree with.
my support for Trump is as strong as my support for Reagan in 1979 and 1980.

An Open Letter To Ted Cruz Supporters

I am fed up with ted cruz supporters posting cruz ads under the comments on my Donald Trump posts opn facebook . I'm not interested in the merits of ted cruz and you aren't going to convert me. Your behavior , along with the comments of cruz insulting Trump supporters , has led me to the point where i will never vote for ted cruz. You people act just like the black lives matter and bernie sanders supporters disrupting Trump rallies. They start trouble, then the media releases edited videos showing the Trump supporters defending their ladies from attack or hitting someone in retaliation to being spit on.
I'm seeing very little difference between cruz and hillary clinton. Both are stooges of the new world order. Their candidates are cruz and hillary. Anything to stop Trump.Anyone I catch posting any statement or ad or link supporting ted cruz on my facebook page is instantly blocked, no matter who you are.