Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I do not think there will be a 2016 election

hiding from the truth does not make it go away. there will be no presidential election in 2016. obama is not leaving office voluntarily any ore than stalin, ho chi mihn , or castro.... obama's not leaving and no one will ever do anything to stop him. not only is the political " leadership" cowardly but so are 90% of the American people. i suppose they think the fuhrer will let them live if they surrender like meek little sheep.
you ain't surviving if you're white. obama hates white people. he's importing as many non-whites as possible to America for the coming race war ....when you consider that 75% of the whites ain't gonna fight no matter what, i do not6 think there are enough patriots to win.
remember that everything hitler did in germany was legal.
the failure to over-ride obama's veto of the keystone pipeline bill is the same margin as a vote to overturn any illegalityof the fuhrer will be. the inability to over-ride a veto means there will be no stopping obama now. say goodbye to the United States of America and say hello to the democratic people's republic of obama .... where white people will be treated the way hitler treated the Jews.

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