Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Richard Dees - facebook hate criminal ?

 Facebook has once again blocked me from posting and commenting for thirty days with a false claim that a comment i made was " hate speech". 

Let's take a look at my post which was actually a short comment on a friend's post. her topic was dating and the fact that she no longer dates or would even consider a relationship with a man.

Here is the comment that facebook calls " hate speech". " I don't date because the dating pool which would otherwise be available to me has been poisoned by asshole men . so, i have no chance. i  gave up on it long ago."   that's it... that is the comment that facebook calls hate speech . they blocked me from posting or commenting for thirty days for that.

It is obvious that ant comment that the facebook censors don't like is dangerous hate speech that must be blocked to protect the tender feelings of liberal snowflakes. yet liberals can post threats of actual violence against President Trump or his supporters . when i complain of that i get a standard form statement in return saying they have reviewed that statement and it does not qualify as hate speech. 

the truth is no defense at facebook. there is no appeal of their bullshit ruling.

therefore, in the future i won't post my commentaries on facebook. i will post on my web blog or my audio podcast only. i will use facebook to post links to my comments for my blog or my podcast .

i will also post links to my page at Spreely.com , where the only community standard is the first amendment.when President Trump opens his social media site on President's day in February , i'll post there unless it is a pay site. i don't use internet site that charge a fee. 

i no longer use the term facebook jail as their censorship is not funny or amusing to me. when someone tries to block my free speech it does not amuse me. i refer to myself as exiled in suiberia or the soviet gulag. 

facebook has become the soviet union of social media. if i wanted communism, i'd immigrate to a communist country. 

i will continue to fight the siamese twins of communism and censorship . facebook doesn't censor me because my opinions are really hate speech. facebook censors speech they hate. there is a huge difference. 

i hope conservative will seee the light and leave facebook. if you can't leaave please consider it only to keep in touch with family members and don't keep a browser window open there 24/7 . by using facewbook you help them sell advertiding and make money. i no longer want to be a source of revenue for the fascist facebook.

i say cancel culturing someone for speech they do not like are crimes against humanity. which is a hundred times worse than speech that hurts someone's feelings.

i will henceforth only use facebook to post links to my blog and my audio podcast. to read or hear my stuff , people will have to depart the fakebook and go to other site to access me. 

peace and love from Richard.