Thursday, May 10, 2018

Louisiana's incompetent State Government

in Louisiana the scare tactics have begun to try to force the people to accept massive tax increases.
they are mailing out eviction notices to nursing home residents and cancelling most medicaid... due to budget shortfalls ,they say.
bullshit! they have enough money to make multi million dollar payouts each year to billionaire football and basketball team owners. but not enouh money to take care of the elderly.
a look at a few basic facts are in order. Louisiana has a budget disaster looming because our state constitution and it's amendments have exempted everything except education and health care from budget cuts.
a constitutional convention is not needed to fix this. that would take much too long. things need to be fixed now. there's a simple way to fix things without raising taxes. how about a new constitutional amendment removing all constitutional protections from all agencies and branches of government ?
that's all it will take .... also a good idea would be to grant the governor the power to order across the board 10% cuts to all agencies and departments when necessary to live within our means.
i believe this constitutional amendment would be passed by the voters by a huge margin. it fixes the mess in Baton Rouge without tax increases on the people.
i warn both the governor and the legislature that the citizens of Louisiana are watching you.