Friday, August 19, 2016

I'll Never Vote For The Criminal hillary clinton

hillary clinton's only qualifications are " i'm a woman" and " i'm a democrat" ... i challenge anyone to list any real accomplishments by hillary either as senator or secretary of state. real accomplishments , not democrat propaganda.
our foreign policy is a shambles. her and obama created his foreign policy. the middle east was a lot more peaceful in 2008 than now. that's not george bush's fault. the fault lies with the fuhrer and hillary .
she deleted 33,000 emails that had been subpoenaed . that's felony obstruction of justice to me. nixon erased 18 minutes on one watergate tape .
her and obama were running guns from libya to syria for the " syrian opposition" that turned out to be isis. hillary's phony foundation has taken millions from the saudis and other muslim countries. she would owe them if she wins.
plus i value my first and second amendment constitutional rights and want the children of today to have them .i don't want hillary appointing the next 3 supreme court justices. those are just a few of the reasons i'll never vote for the criminal and liar hillary clinton. i'll be voting for Trump.