Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Richard Dees Endorses Donald Trump For President

I hereby announce my support for Donald Trump for President of the United States. I do this after several months of thought and deliberation.
Trump is an obvious choice for me. You can compare my facebook wall for the past 6 years with what Trump is saying now. Someone is finally talking just like me. Not afraid to confront liberals and their rino accomplices. Doesn't care if he " offends" liberals or rinos. He's like I would be with a few billion dollars to spend on a campaign.
 I may not agree with everything he says , but he's more agreeable to my thinking that any politician I've seen since Reagan in 1980.....
 I'm for Trump for President.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Let's Kill The Treasonous Republican Party

I've reached the conclusion that  republican party is corrupted by communists and rinos beyond repair.There is no conservative party. At election time , the republican party candidate speaks some conservative rhetoric and promises to oppose obama. Then when they get into office again,they can't wait to start appeasing the fuhrer and giving obama everything he wants.
It's time to relegate the republican party to the dust bin of history. There is a place for the republican party in the trash can, next to the whig party... When's the last time the whigs had a candidate for anything?  Answer: 1856.
If you're still a republican, what are you waiting for? The republicans in both houses of congress are aiding obama in his goal to destroy the country for their own personal gain. It's time to throw them all out. Re-elect nobody in 2016...
I left the republican party in early 2013....please join me in sending the republican party a message.... End your affiliation with the republican party. Register as independent or no party. If not, you're appeasing and enabling a rino. In that case you should register democrat.